My voice touches you, 2024
Si nos temiesen, 2023
Los subtítulos no saben si gritas de rabia o de placer, 2023
¿Dónde estabas?, 2023
¿Te gusta mi voz?, 2023
Voy a leerte los labios, 2023
(Con cuidado), 2023
¿Podrás atrapar al conejo blanco?, 2023
(Con cuidado), 2023
La prótesis que dirigió al órgano contra sí mismo, 2020
Hac Vinent works with various formats, including video, photography, text, sculpture, performance, and installation. Disassociation, subtitles, noise, technological acceleration, prosthetics, errors, misunderstandings, policies of body control, identity alliances, and speculative spaces are designations that can serve to define her lines of artistic research. Their work, intersecting with the crip-queer discourse and antiableism, addresses the idea of human, posthuman, and infrahuman construction from their position as a disabled and deaf person, showing special interest in the production of new imaginaries that subvert the functional norms of bodies. Through their work, they explore the limits of the human and the physical and political consequences of this conception, starting from the premise that in a capacitist society like the one we live in, the body assigned as disabled is not read as a complete human body.
With a degree in Applied Arts in Sculpture from the Escola Llotja and in Fine Arts from the Universitat de Barcelona, they are currently studying the Master's Degree in Cultural Studies and Visual Arts (feminist and queer perspectives) at the Miguel Hernández University. They have participated in national and international collective and individual exhibitions, in cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Rotterdam, Kassel, Palma, Nancy, Montpellier and Mexico City. They have carried out artistic residencies at Fabra i Coats, Hangar, and La Escocesa (Barcelona), and have received several awards and grants, including the Sala de Arte Joven Award, the Guasch Coranty Grant, the Hangar Production Grant, the Güell Foundation Visual Arts Grant, the Baumannlab Production Grant, the ICUB Creation and Museums Grant, the Generation 2021 Award, the Research and Innovation in the Field of Visual Arts Grant from the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona Awards 2020 Grant, and the Miquel Casablancas Award. Their work is in the collections of the Montemadrid Foundation, the Guasch Coranty Foundation, the Güell Foundation, San Andreu Contemporani, and MACBA.
Premis Ciutat de Barcelona 2024
Diarai ARA February 15, 2025Maria Rodríguez Soto, Victoria Szpunberg, Xavier Pla i Tarta Relena, premis Ciutat de Barcelona 2024. També han estat guardonats Teresa Helbig, Cristina Masanés, Jordi Colomer...More information -
Hac Vinent: «Els cossos disques tenen agència política»
Núvol - Bernat Puigtobella January 13, 2025Hac Vinent , abans conegudi com a Helena Vinent, és una artista, investigadora i activista que crea des del seu posicionament com a disca i...More information -
Hac Vinent, artista anticapacitista, sondeando los límites de lo sensorial
Exibart - Carolina Ciuti December 20, 2024Tras su exposición individual 'Accidente' en el Espai 13 de la Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona), conversamos con Hac Vinent sobre su práctica artística, donde lo...More information -
Hac Vinent a Les millors exposicions de Barcelona
Time Out - Rita Roig December 11, 2024Quines són les millors exposicions que es poden veure a Barcelona? 9. Accident. Cicle de l'Espai 13: 'Ens acompanyarem quan es faci fosc' De què...More information -
Helena Vinent sacseja l'ordre capacitista establert a 'Accident', a l'Espai 13 de la Fundació Joan Miró
Públic October 31, 2024La Fundació Joan Miró presenta Accident , de l'artista Helena Vinent, la darrera exposició del cicle de l'Espai 13 Ens acompanyarem quan es faci fosc...More information -
A Different Disorder
Group show with Helena Vinent, curated by Marta Sesé August 13, 2024From 16 July to 29 September 2024. Espai Capella Repudiating the linearity of history, turning the gaze away from a fixed horizon. Losing one’s bearings...More information -
Helena Vinent - "Solo si huele a tierra"
Comisaria Blanca Arias July 24, 202415.06.2024 — 29.09.2024 Helena Vinent participates in the group show 'Solo si huele a tierra' at La Panera , Lleida. Since the 70s, one of...More information -
Entrevista amb l'Helena Vinent
Àlex Jassé - Betevé October 6, 2023El Swab 2023 se centra en el talent local La Fira de Barcelona acull aquest cap de setmana el Swab 2023, la cita amb les...More information -
20 anys d’art crític i reivindicatiu a la galeria ADN de l’Esquerra de l’Eixample
Mercè Alsina - Betevé June 25, 2023ADN Galeria arriba als 20 anys d’existència sense deixar el seu compromís amb l’art de denúncia amb tres exposicions crítiques amb la realitat, que expliquen les complexitats del context actual.More information