Installation shots

Hac Vinent works with various formats, including video, photography, text, sculpture, performance, and installation. Disassociation, subtitles, noise, technological acceleration, prosthetics, errors, misunderstandings, policies of body control, identity alliances, and speculative spaces are designations that can serve to define her lines of artistic research. Their work, intersecting with the crip-queer discourse and antiableism, addresses the idea of human, posthuman, and infrahuman construction from their position as a disabled and deaf person, showing special interest in the production of new imaginaries that subvert the functional norms of bodies. Through their work, they explore the limits of the human and the physical and political consequences of this conception, starting from the premise that in a capacitist society like the one we live in, the body assigned as disabled is not read as a complete human body.


With a degree in Applied Arts in Sculpture from the Escola Llotja and in Fine Arts from the Universitat de Barcelona, they are currently studying the Master's Degree in Cultural Studies and Visual Arts (feminist and queer perspectives) at the Miguel Hernández University. They have participated in national and international collective and individual exhibitions, in cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Rotterdam, Kassel, Palma, Nancy, Montpellier and Mexico City. They have carried out artistic residencies at Fabra i Coats, Hangar, and La Escocesa (Barcelona), and have received several awards and grants, including the Sala de Arte Joven Award, the Guasch Coranty Grant, the Hangar Production Grant, the Güell Foundation Visual Arts Grant, the Baumannlab Production Grant, the ICUB Creation and Museums Grant, the Generation 2021 Award, the Research and Innovation in the Field of Visual Arts Grant from the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona Awards 2020 Grant, and the Miquel Casablancas Award. Their work is in the collections of the Montemadrid Foundation, the Guasch Coranty Foundation, the Güell Foundation, San Andreu Contemporani, and MACBA.
