Alán Carrasco at Memoriaren basoak

The pieces Resiliencias and En ese claroscuro by Alán Carrasco will be exhibited in the exhibition Memoriaren basoak, at the San Telmo Museoa in Donosti. The exhibition, which can be seen from 22 February to 18 May 2025, is a curatorial project by Mabel Tapia and Mira Bernabeu.


Every totalitarian regime is built and sustained by putting into practice technologies of domination and social control. These technologies will operate in at least three strata that build and mold a social order where power is perpetuated.

These strata are conjugated simultaneously. Its consequences survive beyond the time of exercise of that power; their material and immaterial traces are still present in the generations that follow. So, what are the material and immaterial traces that it prints? How is artistic practice protected? How does art contribute to a reflection on the different dimensions of the technologies of social control?

Of the three strata mentioned, the first has to do with a double form of control: the production of forms of complicity with the system and the generalization of forms of repression and death. The second protects itself from the structures of the State itself, exercising absolute control over them. A third layer is manifested in the deployment and mobilization of symbolic forms both in the production of monuments, the emptying of cultural policies and in the production of all kinds of signifiers.

February 17, 2025
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