Barcelona Gallery Weekend turns 10 years old

A*Desk - Gonzalo Pech
Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2024, on its tenth anniversary, September 19-22, presents a crucial opportunity to rethink its role in the contemporary art scene, gaining notoriety as a space of convergence for gallerists, artists and collectors, along with a public increasingly eager for cultural experiences. However, this tenth edition also invites us to reflect on the achievements and challenges that the event faces in an artistic and economic context in constant transformation.
In a scenario where the dynamics of the art market tend to favor consolidated names, it is crucial that events like this one continue to bet on diversity and innovation: We cannot ignore the contribution of BGW in relation to cultural policies in Spain. In a country where institutional support for contemporary art has been erratic and in many cases insufficient, the Acquisitions Program is noteworthy, as it seems to be a step towards the democratization of access to art, and allows works presented at the event to enter prestigious collections, such as those of the Fundació Vila Casas or the Fundació Sorigué.


In short, Barcelona Gallery Weekend comes at a critical moment in which it proves that it is more than just a celebration of contemporary art. The real test for the coming years will be the ability to challenge existing structures while maintaining its relevance in an environment that presents its own demands in terms of artistic and economic dynamics and is in constant fluctuation.
For the time being the programming is eclectic and interesting, and I consider at least the following exhibitions to be a must-see for viewers with high demands and who I am sure will not be disappointed:
ADN Galeria presents Julio Anaya Cabanding and Eugenio Merino. Both artists are summoned by the questioning of authenticity and symbolic value in art, using neorealist media and narratives loaded with irony and social criticism.

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September 12, 2024
of 133