Helena Vinent - "Solo si huele a tierra"

Comisaria Blanca Arias



 Helena Vinent participates in the group show "Solo si huele a tierra" at La Panera , Lleida.


Since the 70s, one of the basic commitments of feminist practices has been to transform the body into a space for freedom. This embodiment starts as individual, captured within the limits of one’s own body, but it gains agency to become as a collective, growing in parallel with the desire to become a single, multiple and polyphonic entity. Therefore, as Adrienne Rich suggests in Notes towards a politics of location, it is necessary to locate the field from which we build our voice: not to transcend the body, but to reclaim it and take responsibility for our proximity to the center or periphery. This awareness of position, intertwined with the notion of living in and with a wounded world -marked by colonial, cisheteropatriarcal and capitalist violence – has bent the anthropocentric paradigm that benefits from the emotional and material disconnection of human body from its environment and from other forms. What world ends when we invoke the end of the world? How do we live the apocalypse with tenderness? Which ruins do we imagine in the landscape of the future?  

Given the complexity of the network of narratives that outline the body as territory, this exhibition aims to weave a network of young artists based in Spain who, from the multiplicity of feminisms, invite us to imagine and potentially embody what a body can do when it enters into relation with others bodies. Not only to celebrate that we exist together, connected, but to speculate on the meanings of being a body and inhabiting the world from it. Here, feminisms do not appear as a theme, but as a methodology. The body is not represented but presented: latent, provisional, morbid.
Whether by tearing it as mappable surface hybridizing binarisms and opening ourselves to inhabit the border, or exploring the possibility of becoming a landscape, this cartography presents us with the emergency to question the identification of the subject of feminism with nature to reconsider the relevance of the body as the closest geography, always traversed by the politic, the narrative and the artifice.

July 24, 2024
of 195