Wild angle: Bruno Peinado


The title of this exhibition shows that even language is a means of hybridization for Peinado, an artistic matter he manipulates and distorts.

The title of this exhibition shows that even language is a means of hybridization for Peinado, an artistic matter he manipulates and distorts. Wild Angle plays with the idea of a broad and open point of view (“wide angle”, corresponding to a typology of photographic lens), juxtaposed with an unpredictable “wild” dimension that resists to domestication and moves away from the common schemes and models of representation.


Some images integrate with the social sphere without their media, cultural and social impact being reconsidered critically. Peinado extracts and put them in contact contact with other references references, inviting inviting the viewer to adopt another another viewing viewing angle. This tension tension can be perceived through the exhibited works; familiar signs and codes shock with alien objects, “made-up” by the artist till they become unrecognizable. Despite this, images can provoke a feeling of “déjà-vu”, like in the installation “Les Ambassadeurs”. The work takes up a model of representation considered as an exercise of mastery and sophistication during Renaissance: the anamorphosis. It applies it, ironically, to a very common and almost trivial sign of our time, the smiley

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