Light & Fire: mounir fatmi


Beyond his subversive works is both the desire to understand the world in which we live and release it from any indoctrination form.

The exhibition brings together a series of works that explore the basis of history and society expressed through the written word and in various forms of language: religious, political, ideological and literary. The title’s ambiguity positions us in front of the paradox of these two elements: light and fire. Since Platon's cave myth, these elements are the source of our civilization but have also become the cause of its destruction.


mounir fatmi encourages the visitors to question the history and violence involved in his writing and research. The works presented at ADN Galeria evoke recurring subjects for the artist, such as the border, the object desecration, the role of language and the writing. There is no doubt that beyond his subversive works is both the desire to understand the world in which we live and release it from any indoctrination form.

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