Fábio Colaço Portugal, b. 1995
Sisyphus Rock, 2024
25 x 35 x 25 cm.
Like other works, the title is the element that activates the work and, in this case, in addition to therobustness of the material it is made of - concrete -...
Like other works, the title is the element that activates the work and, in this case, in addition to therobustness of the material it is made of - concrete - it directs the viewer to an inaccessible space,making them strive to discover what is inside the safe box. The allusion to the stone that Sisyphuscarries in his mythological representation, a large and relatively ordinary rock, is transferred hereto the safe box, a contemporary symbol of wealth. The referentiality of the title thus plays on theeffort expended by human beings in the search for an ideal of non-existence that is unattainablefor most people.