Tobias Bernstrup uses his body as his main medium that contributes to critical redefinition and showing muted and hybrid identities. By performing, understanding performance as a hybrid practice of resistance, shows an ideal territory for the work's dematerialization, and represents the artist's possibility to develop different interventions influenced by our folklore, videogames or internet, and play with digital technology's poetics and its influence over the body. From that starting point, Bernstrup investigates the tirany of the image, used as a technology for control and repression, and subverts it, vindicating artificiality as a parallel dimension or integrated aspect of daily life. Part of his seekness is based upon the interaction between fiction and reality, and upon the way they interact and mimick.
The use of sound and music, instrinsically linked to performance, is a notorious aspect of Bernstrup's production, specially the emotional dimension they both offer. The musical aspect confluences with the space investigation, physical and social, and its indissoluble relationship with the political body. For this reason, subjects as gender are fundamental in his work. The swedish artist criticizes the effects of normalization and naturalization that traditionally have accompanied the identity as a result of complex technological biopolitics, through different aesthetics as, for example, cyborg. Taking as an example thinkers like Judith Butler, Sue Ellen Case or Eve K. Sedwick, Bernstrup uses performance to denaturlize sexual difference and at the same time confronts the dominating conventions and statu quo.
5994 is just a number
Group show 10 Octubre - 30 Noviembre 2019 ADN GaleriaEn el marco de Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2019, presentamos una exposición colectiva con los artistas para los que trabajamos; algunos de ellos desde sus inicios, y otros que se han...Más información -
10 is more than a number
Group Show 29 Junio - 30 Noviembre 2013 ADN GaleriaEl 29 de junio, ADN Galeria presenta una muestra colectiva que recopila obras de todos los artistas que trabajan con la galería para celebrar su 10º aniversario. Adoptando la teoría...Más información -
Body 5 Arrives
Tobias Bernstrup 9 Septiembre - 16 Octubre 2010Bernstrup ha construido un personaje de performance peculiar y reconocible gracias a sus trajes de látex brillante, sofisticados y un elaborado maquillaje. Sin establecer distinción entre alta cultura, cultura popular...Más información -
5 is only a number
Group show 17 Mayo - 5 Julio 2008 ADN GaleriaEn ésta ocasión tan especial, deseamos aglutinar algunos trabajos de los artistas que nos han acompañado durante estos años y que han contribuido en primera persona a enriquecer la propuesta...Más información -
Enemies of the earth
Tobias Bernstrup 29 Marzo - 5 Mayo 2007 ADN GaleriaThe post-productive approach developed by Bernstrup chases the anxiety of believing in improbability, therefore creating personal mythologies that shapes though audiovisual or performance formats. Virtual reality and first computer-games aesthetic...Más información -
Killing Spree
Tobias Bernstrup 12 Noviembre - 17 Diciembre 2005 ADN GaleriaTobias Bernstrup presentará en ADN Galeria varios de sus trabajos coincidiendo con su participación en el Festival Loop 2005. Esta actuación, donde interpretará algunas canciones del disco Killing Spree, tendrá...Más información