Abdelkader Benchamma at MO.CO. Montpellier

Immortelle. Vitality of the Young French Figurative Painting

Abdelkader Benchamma is one of the artists incluided on the group exhibition “Immortelle. Vitality of the Young French Figurative Painting” at MO.CO. Montpellier as one of the emblematic artists of the French scene, born from 1970 to the early 80s. The generous and sensitive exhibition intends to pay homage to painting, in its physical, materialist, erotic and romantic aspects.



Vitality of the Young French Figurative Painting
Deployed for the first time in a transversal way on the two art centres, the MO.CO. and the MO.CO. Panacée, the Immortelle exhibition offers a new and ambitious panorama of young French figurative painting.

At the MO.CO., emblematic artists of the French scene, born from 1970 to the early 80s, will be presented. The generous and sensitive exhibition intends to pay homage to painting, in its physical, materialist, erotic and romantic aspects.


At the MO.CO. Panacée, the new generation of the mid-80s and 90s offers a plural vision of the future of figurative painting through a revisitation of the great traditional genres mixed with the contribution of contemporaneity and conceptual issues.


General Curator:
General Curator: : Numa Hambursin, general director of MO.CO.
MO.CO. / guest co-curator : Amélie Adamo, author, art historian and curator
MO.CO. Panacée / co-curator : Anya Harrison, curator MO.CO.


Where ?

MO.CO. Panacée, 14 rue de l’Ecole de pharmacie, Montpellier
Open from Wednesday to Sunday from 11am to 6pm

MO.CO., 13 rue de la République, Montpellier
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 11am to 6pm



AGRINIER Thomas, AILLAUD Arthur, BARROT Ronan, BATAILLARD Marion, BAZIGNAN Pauline, BELGRAND Adrien, BELIN Murielle, BELYAT-GIUNTA Anya, BENCHAMMA Abdelkader, BENEYTON Julien, BERGER Céline, BERNINI Romain, BIZIEN Vincent, BOISADAN Mathieu, BOITARD Fabien, BOURDAREL Katia, BOUTLIS Alkis, BRESSON Guillaume, BRUNEAU Benjamin, CADIO Damien, CHARLET Marion, CHERKIT Mathieu, CIAVALDINI Sylvain, CLARKE Daniel, DALLÉAS-BOUZAR Dalila, DAVRINCHE Gaël, DESCOSSY Julien, DÉFOSSEZ Benjamin, DERENNE Grégory, DEROUBAIX Damien, DES MONSTIERS Julien, DRIEZ Raynald, DUBOIS Aurélie, FORSTNER Gregory, GOBART Yves, GROOM Orsten, GUINAMAND Cristine, GURRIERI Elsa, HAZELZET Thibault, De HEINZELIN Aurélie, HOFFMAN Karine, IC Hervé Georges, JAUNE Oda, JÉRÔME Sarah, KORICHI Youcef, LEGLISE Frédéric, LESOURD Élodie, LEVASSEUR Iris, LÉVY-LASNE Thomas, LIRON Jérémy, LOUTZ Frédérique, MASMONTEIL Olivier, MÉRELLE Fabien, MIN Jung-Yeon, MIRAZOVIĆ Filip, MIQUELIS Gilles, MOCQUET Marlène, MOLK Marc, MOSTYN-OWEN Orlando, NAVARRO Edgardo, NAVI Barbara, NERVI Audrey, NIELSEN Eva, OBRECHT Florence, PAHLAVI Axel, PASIEKA Simon, PENCREAC’H Stéphane, PICANDET Lucie, PINARD Guillaume, POUYANDEH Nazanin, PRADALIÉ Abel, PROUX Laurent, RABUS Leopold, RABUS Till, RENAUD Brann, REYMOND Florence, RICOL Raphaëlle, ROEGIERS Antoine, ROUGIER Karine, SABATTÉ Lionel, TABOURET Claire, TOUMANIAN Guillaume, TURSIC Ida et MILLE Wilfried, VELK Marko, VERNY Thomas, VIDOR Vuk, VRANKIĆ Davor, XIE Lei, ZONDER Jérôme.

March 11, 2023
of 202