Vistes d'instal·lació

Like some of the so-called post-productive artists, Bruno Peinado works with a wide range of materials, formats and tecniques, developing an artistic practice that generally dialogues with the environment in which it takes place. His deep interest in the questions of identity, memory, transmission, heritage and community dialogues with a personal insight on popular culture. His artistic practice appropriates, pays homage to and investigates the work of artists that have nurtured him: from Supports-surfaces to suprematism, the Californian minimalists to the Color Field painting, or from Matisse to B.M.P.T.

His practice is a sort of kaleidoscope ligne de fuite, and plays with abstraction as it does with graphic communication, for instance. Peinado has exhibited at Lyon, Sao Paulo and Istanbul biennials, la Force de l'art at Grand Palais, the Swiss Institute of New York, at Migros Museum in Zurich, at Palais de Tokyo in Paris or at the Luxembourg's Casino, among many others.
