You enter a gallery, you enter the house, you enter the cave, you enter the grotto, you enter the lair, you enter a hole. We are welcomed by the Artist-Banker, hoarder, merchant of concepts and precepts, on the social good, he carries out transactions in his usual bank, Faust Enterprises Unlimited Inc. Social fictions about the passage of time, being born to be rich or poor, working to live, life is a commitment to Credit, living is expensive.
The mergers and appropriations detected in the works on display do not violate the Antitrust laws, providing a continuous referential concentration in the history of art and classical culture, under a regime of Outsourcing, acquisitions that demonstrate their symbolic and iconographic power in the Market of the cultural industry.
Subversion and irony, allegories at the disposal of the citizen-consumer's mind, in each work produced by Fábio Colaço, an analysis of the current value of collective social traumas, expressed in a quotation of the values of that community that determine the incessant functioning of the Market of social fiction. God-Capital, who governs matter and spirit. You sell your life for nothing, without a destination, on the way, don't sell your soul, rent it! One hand in the mouth and the other in the wallet.
If the value of a commodity is determined by the labor necessary for its production, what happens after the worker has sold his labor power to the capitalist? Social dumping. The flag waves, breaks the surface, action of a visionary Entrepreneur legitimately concerned about the Asset Value of his heritage, works exposed to the art market, action towards this new spatial concept, UTOPIA, a renewed Brand, which takes risks and drives economic growth.
In a self-regulated and unlimited market, the Portuguese artist-banker crosses borders in a strategy of Export-Import Policy, to settle in the Spanish branch, in a cross-cultural Offshore process.
The anarchist artist-banker summons us once again to the general meeting of shareholders in his Safe Box and presents his financial report: