Adrian Melis Cuba / Spain, b. 1985
Plan de producción de sueños para empresas estatales en Cuba (10 Sueños), 2010 - 2012
Documents, wood boxes and photographs.
Photographs: 20 x 25 cm each
Boxes: 20,5 x 11 x 2cm
Boxes: 20,5 x 11 x 2cm
Further images
In Production plan of dreams for state-run companies in Cuba the artist focuses on companies that are part of what he designates as “the areas that are most vulnerable to...
In Production plan of dreams for state-run companies in Cuba the artist focuses on companies that are part of what he designates as “the areas that are most vulnerable to lack of productivity”. The workers received a notebook from Melis with the instruction to record the dreams they have during their working day, when they fell asleep on the post. In opposition with their unaccomplished official job, the dreams become a psychic production, an active time at the service of another employer: the artist himself – even if here, the contribution is not paid. The written narratives are exhibited into wooden boxes that evoke a manufactured product, ready to be sold.