Antifa ecstasy pill, 2023
Asymetric wars for asymetric futures, 2023
A transparent concept of violence, 2023
We've seen the future and it's unmaned, 2023
Eurodrone, 2023
Anatomy of a European Warfare Device, 2023
Hombre en llamas, 2023
Incendio forestal, 2023
Incendio forestal 01, 2023
Hombre en llamas II, 2023
Enough space. Komponierhäusche, 2022
Vitrina Jules et Jim I, 2021
Vitrina Lions Love, 2021
Los idiotas, 2021
Negativeland. L' image du mal impuni, 2020
Negativeland. 60 buses in flames, 2020
Negativeland. 68 people in flames, 2020
Negativeland. Restlessnes, 2020
The glorious tragedy of youth. Alphaville’s song, 2019
The glorious tragedy of youth. At least we are young, 2019
Postfordism & seduction. Biopolitical dissection 10, 2018
Postfordism & seduction. Biopolitical dissection 5, 2018
Postfordism & seduction. Biopolitical dissection 1, 2018
Negativeland. Salir de aquí, 2018
Negativeland. Lost in space, 2018
Enough space. Prospect Cottage, 2018
Enough space. A magnificent place to live, work, or commit suicide, 2018
Okupes vs. TV3, 2018
Negativeland. 63 repetidors passius, 2018
Christmas tree ecstasy pill, 2018
Enough space. Lowry’s letter, 2018
Coche en llamas, 2018
Lives and works in Barcelona. Holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona and has a master's degree from IAGN in Basel, Switzerland. His work is related to critical theory, satirizing the hegemonic visual imaginary and incorporating references from counterculture.
In recent years he has received a production grant from Centre d'art la Panera (2017), an award from Rocaumbert Fabrica de Creació (2019), Residency and production grant from Homessesions in collaboration with art 3 (2018), and an investigation grant from the Sala d'Art Jove (Generalitat de Catalunya) and Macba (2018). He has also been awarded the Biennal Larva Award for the best Young artist from Lleida (2017). His work has been selected for the JCE Young European Biennale (2017).
His works has been exhibited at Biennale Jeune Creation Européene. Le Beffroi, Ville de Montrouge, Paris (2017); Biennale Jeune Creation Européene at kunst bygningen i vrå, Danmark (2018); No es lo que aparece, Fabra I Coats, Barcelona; Mostra d'Art Urbá, Rocaumbert, Granollers (2017); Embarrat. La Gran Máquina IV, Tarrega; Centre d'Art la Panera, Lleida. In recent years he had solo exhibitions in Fundació Arranz Bravo, Barcelona and Institut d'Estudi Ilerdencs, Lleida.
We Protect You from Yourselves
Group Show 17 Feb - 27 Apr 2024 Locker RoomTen years ago, on October 3, 2014, we inaugurated the exhibition We Protect You from Yourselves by DEMOCRACIA collective at ADN Galeria. Among the pieces that made up this exhibition,...More information -
Exploded Views
Joan Pallé 2 Dec 2023 - 3 Feb 2024 ADN GaleriaBeyond its technological aspects, the Eurodrone serves as a focal point for addressing ethical concerns related to drone use in armed conflicts. Issues explored include the role of these weapons...More information -
Inventory of Love
Joan Pallé 22 Jun - 11 Sep 2021 Locker RoomIn the exhibition Inventory of Love artist Joan Pallé shows for the first time part of the research he has conducted on the representations of non-monogamous relationships in cinema. The...More information
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JUDIT CASTAÑO - Públic October 7, 202433 galeries nacionals i internacionals A banda dels programes comissariats, amb el protagonisme de l'Àsia Oriental, la fira compta amb un Programa General, 'el pilar...More information -
ADN Galeria in Drawing Now
Sébastien Planas, El Temps de les Arts June 1, 2022Un ‘Cluster’ vingut de Barcelona Una senzilla mitja volta revela una peça de l’artista parisenca (arrelada a Roma) Carine Brancowitz, anomenada Cluster. Dos personatges es...More information -
Joan Pallé, una visió del cinema des de l’escultura
Ramon Casalé - El Temps de les Arts July 20, 2021Aquest anys se celebra el 10è aniversari d’Art Nou, esdeveniment anual organitzat per Art Barcelona, que permet veure el treball d’artistes joves durant els mesos...More information