Paraules d'Amor (vídeo), 2024
Paraules d'Amor (vídeoinstal·lació), 2024
Paraules d'Amor (textos), 2024
51 statements y una demolición, 2023
Servicios Exquisitos, 2023
Servicios Exquisitos, 2023
The Poem, 2022
En el principio fue el verbo. Devocionario, 2021-2023
La banalidad del bien, 2021
La banalidad del bien. Díptico, 2021
941212144, 2021
Toda obra de arte es un delito no cometido, 2021
Ejercicios de confinamiento delegados, 2021
La Mamá y la Puta. Un ensayo sobre la feminidad, 2020-2022
El Valor de la Puresa, 2019
Una película de Dios, 2018-2019
Una película de Dios. Anexo: Santa Águeda por Evelyn, 2018-2019
Una Película de Dios. Anexo: Susana y los Viejos por Mario, 2018-2019
De Putas. Un ensayo sobre la masculinidad., 2018
Afrodita , 2018
La Estética de un mapa inmobiliario, 2016-2018
La feria de las flores (Fotografia #1), 2015-2016
La feria de las flores (Fotografia #5), 2015-2016
La feria de las flores (Installation), 2015-2016
La feria de las flores (Video), 2015-2016
Apátrida (installation), 2015
Arte Político Degenerado, 2014
Arte Político Degenerado. Protocolo Ético, 2014
El Síndrome de Sherwood 2, 2013
Aplicación legal desplazada #1: Reserva Fraccionaria, 2010-2011
Ayuda Humanitaria (video), 2009-2013
Aportación de agentes del orden, 2009
Ayuda Humanitaria, 2008-2013
Valor #1, 2007
Born in Vidreres in 1981, a town near the city of Girona, Núria Güell graduated in Fine Arts from the Universitat de Barcelona and continued her training at the Cátedra de Arte de Conducta in Havana, Cuba. Her artistic practice does not aim at providing definitive answers but to showcase the conflicts and contradictions that arise between different realities through, questioning evidence and moral conventions. Her works, which always originate from social or political conflicts, consist of gestures and movements that elude representation. This typically involves an action, whether legal or illegal, calling for other entities and individuals, whether accomplices or not, and causing them to move in a direction not previously articulated.
Her work has been showcased in numerous exhibitions at national and international institutions, such as Manifesta 14 in Kosovo, the Biennale Warszawa, CAC Brétigny in Brétigny-sur-Orge, the Museum of Contemporary Art of León (MUSAC), and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Mexico City (MUAC), among others. Additionally, her work is present in the collections of important institutions and collections such as the Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (MiMA), the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA).
The Poem
Núria Güell 11 - 26 Nov 2024'The Poem' is a video-essay which analyses the role of the “criminal” and the penitentiary system in the governmental devices of the nation-state. This video-essay was made with the testimony...More information -
We Protect You from Yourselves
Group Show 17 Feb - 27 Apr 2024 Locker RoomTen years ago, on October 3, 2014, we inaugurated the exhibition We Protect You from Yourselves by DEMOCRACIA collective at ADN Galeria. Among the pieces that made up this exhibition,...More information -
Complete Works. Deluxe Edition
Núria Güell 3 Jun - 19 Aug 2023 ADN GaleriaADN Galeria presents a new solo exhibition by Núria Güell, offering a comprehensive look at the artist's career and the presentation of two new projects created specifically for this occasion.More information -
(Coalescències, Coalicions, Col·lisions, Col·lapses) 26 Nov 2022 - 3 Jun 2023 ADN PlatformCoalescence is the outcome of the ongoing demystification of art's production and mediation processes, and while it denounces the position of the curator as a master-planner, it is a reflection...More information -
She, the eye, the finger, the hand
María María Acha-Kutscher, Margaret Harrison & Núria Güell 17 Sep - 14 Nov 2020 ADN GaleriaShe, the eye, the finger, the hand establishes a dialogue among a selection of works by three artists of different nationalities and generations: Margaret Harrison (1940, Wakefield, United Kingdom), María...More information -
5994 is just a number
Group show 10 Oct - 30 Nov 2019 ADN GaleriaWithin the framework of Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2019, we are presenting a collective exhibition with the artists who we work for; some of them since the beginning, and others who...More information -
Al final de todos los sueños humanos no hay más que polvo
Núria Güell, Levi Orta & Adelita Husni-Bey 30 Jun - 8 Sep 2018 ADN Galeria'At the end of all human dreams there is nothing but dust,' said Federica Montseny in the last years of a life of struggle. Perhaps the dust of those frustrated...More information -
Buenas intenciones
Núria Güell 28 May - 9 Sep 2016 ADN GaleriaNúria Güell presents her solo show Good Intentions at ADN Galeria, a set of projects, beginning in 2014, which question the limits of the art institution, and use its infrastructure...More information -
Proyecto John Rambo
Núria Güell & Levi Orta 28 May - 19 Nov 2016 ADN PlatformJohn Rambo Project (USA, 2016) is the result of a collaboration between Núria Güell and Levi Orta, a project where the two artists’ viewpoints collide. Based on Peter MacDonald’s film,...More information -
Accomplices & Witnesses
Group Show 24 May - 31 Jul 2014 ADN GaleriaThe exhibition “Accomplices and Witnesses” is based on the idea of the artist as an accomplice and witness of social dynamics requiring an active implication, commitment and a positioning which...More information -
10 is more than a number
Group Show 29 Jun - 30 Nov 2013 ADN GaleriaOn June the 29th , ADN Galeria presents a group show which compiles works by all the artists working with the gallery to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Adopting the theory...More information -
Micro-acciones de emergencia #1
Núria Güell, Levi Orta, Daniela Ortiz, Xose Quiroga, Marco Godoy. Curated by de vuelta y vuelta. 20 Jun - 20 Nov 2013 ADN PlatformTaking the political, economical and social context as a starting point, the exhibition gathers microactions that have been performed in the public realm and refer to the attitude adopted in...More information -
Alegaciones desplazadas
Núria Güell 14 Dec 2012 - 9 Mar 2013 ADN GaleriaOn the 14th of December, ADN Galería inaugurates its first individual exhibition dedicated to Núria Güell. Displaced Allegations is a compendium of trenchant projects that track her career and objectify...More information
La artista que se casó con quien dijeron las jineteras
La Vanguardia - Teresa Sesé March 8, 2025Se ofreció como esposa al cubano que le escribiera “la carta de amor más bonita del mundo”, dejó la decisión en manos de un jurado...More information -
La cultura subvencionada s’ha tornat massa ‘woke’?
El País - Joan Burdeus January 18, 2025La mala reputació del terme woke és enganyosa. Inicialment, el terme va sorgir entre l’esquerra americana per designar actituds conscients de qualsevol discriminació: estar “despert”....More information -
Núria Güell, entretejiendo ‘paraules d’amor’
exibart December 23, 2024Con motivo de la presentación del vídeo-ensayo 'Paraules d'amor' en Barcelona, conversamos con Núria Güell sobre el proceso de creación de la obra, así como...More information -
Radiografia de l’amor
Núvol - Montse Frisach November 18, 2024Fins al 15 de desembre Núria Güell presenta el seu vídeoassaig sobre la passió amorosa al Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona. De...More information -
Barcelona Cultura November 14, 2024Com a text curatorial d’aquesta exposició, Núria Güell ha decidit fer públic el projecte Morir d’amor, que va presentar al Premi de Videocreació el 18...More information -
Loop Barcelona anuncia lxs protagonistas de la edición 2024
exibart - Redacción October 25, 2024Este año, Loop Symposium y Loop Fair se erigen como los ejes centrales de la propuesta, donde el videoarte se examina tanto desde su dimensión...More information -
L’artista Núria Güell porta el seu dret de rèplica a Tarragona
El punt avui - Carina Filella October 11, 2024L’artista Núria Güell (Vidreres, 1981) està convençuda que “no hi pot haver una cultura crítica sense una crítica de la cultura”, i entén el seu...More information -
El periple d’una exposició frustrada al MNAC
El punt avui - Maria Palau October 11, 2024Patrimoni nacional és el títol d’una exposició temporal fallida. “La idea era molt senzilla: obrir al públic les sales del dipòsit judicial del MNAC”, explica...More information -
Works from the Es Baluard Museu Collection August 1, 2024The exhibition “Normopathies. Works from the Es Baluard Museu Collection” presents a selection of works from the museum’s collection, dating from the European postwar to...More information -
20 anys d’art crític i reivindicatiu a la galeria ADN de l’Esquerra de l’Eixample
Mercè Alsina - Betevé June 25, 2023ADN Galeria arriba als 20 anys d’existència sense deixar el seu compromís amb l’art de denúncia amb tres exposicions crítiques amb la realitat, que expliquen les complexitats del context actual.More information -
The exhibition as a space of uncertainty, friction and freedom
Montse Badia, A*Desk December 22, 2022Coalescence (Coalescences, Coalitions, Collisions, Collapses) is an example of an organic curatorial project that arises at a certain moment and evolves over time and changes...More information -
María María Acha-Kutscher, Núria Güell y Regina José Galindo en Metrópolis
RTVE November 23, 2022Con motivo de la celebración del Día Internacional contra la Violencia de Género, el programa Metrópolis ofrece un recorrido por dos proyectos expositivos que han...More information -
Núria Güell in VOX Montreal
L’imaginaire radical II : désœuvrer la valeur September 9, 20222022.09.09 - 12.03 Amy Balkin, Núria Güell, arkadi lavoie lachapelle, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Bahar Noorizadeh, RYBN.ORG, Slinko, AM Trépanier, Tania Willard et ZK/U – Center...More information -
Fabra i Coats: Núria Güell, la artista que se ha hecho monja misionera
Jose Ángel Montañés, El País August 4, 2021Una exposición en Fabra i Coats revisita la obra de esta activista radical que cuestiona el poder social, político, cultural y religioso en todas sus...More information -
Núria Güell, El patriarcado tiene a Dios de su parte
Semíramis González, Huffpost June 14, 2020'Una película de Dios' es un trabajo directo, que apela a la víscera, que atraviesa nuestro privilegio y nos incomoda cuando lo vemos desde la...More information