Alfabet (x), 2021
Red PRC, 2021
Standard Mex 2, 2019
Standard Mex 1, 2019
Standard Mex 3, 2019
Standard Mex 5, 2019
New Palermo Felicissima, 2018
Lessons, 2017
Bandera, 2017
Lessons. Manila, 2017
Barcelona Map, 2017
Virus, 2017
X-Ville, 2017
Zapatos de Tetuán, 2015
Svartlamon Parade, 2014
En la Pampa. Cementerio Santa Isabel I , 2008
En la Pampa. Cementerio Santa Isabel II, 2008
No? Future!, 2006
Cinecito. La Habana (cine Lido), 2006
Madrid M30, 2005
Arabian Stars (Zinedine, Zidane), 2005
Anarchitekton: Osaka II , 2004
Anarchitekton: Brasilia (Desire Paths), 2003
Anarchitekton: Barcelona, 2002
Since the beginning Jordi Colomer's work has been incorporating scenical device elements to a singular sculpture's point of view. Since 1997 he has pointed out the use of photography and videoinstallation. His first videos are shaped from beckettian micronarratives, where individuals debate themselves with objects, decoration and artificial spaces. In his career's second period, these characters wander the streets or the desert with gestures and drifts that -somehow absurd- entrust a noticeable critical spirit, in order to finally look into the possibilites of poetical survival in a contemporary city.
Colomer's work has been shown in numerous individual exhibitions. Among others: at the 57th Venice Biennale, at the Matadero Madrid, at the Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, at ECCO, Contemporary Cultural Space, Brasilia. He has participated in several collective exhibitions, such as the MAAT, Lisbon, at the Devos Art Museum at the University of Michigan, USA, at the CA2M. Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo, Madrid, at the Heritage Square Museum, Los Angeles, at Manifesta 10, St. Petersburg.
Jordi Colomer 18 Dec 2021 - 26 Feb 2022 ADN GaleriaJordi Colomer aims to outwit the authority of codes and representations by using simple pieces of paper; classrooms move to the street, traffic distorts, and through concrete actions, myths find...More information -
5994 is just a number
Group show 10 Oct - 30 Nov 2019 ADN GaleriaWithin the framework of Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2019, we are presenting a collective exhibition with the artists who we work for; some of them since the beginning, and others who...More information -
Baixar al carrer / Bajar a la calle / Descendre dans la rue / Going down into the street
Jordi Colomer 28 Sep - 18 Nov 2017 ADN GaleriaColomer presents a series of works that orbit around the city and ways of perceiving it. The city is formed by circulation of people and vehicles, buildings appearing and disappearing,...More information -
Medina Parkour
Jordi Colomer 19 Nov 2016 - 19 May 2017 ADN PlatformMedina-Parkour (2013) presents a set of videos and photographs undertaken by Jordi Colomer during a residency program in Tetouan (Morocco), the former capital of the Spanish protectorate. While there, Colomer...More information
Premis Ciutat de Barcelona 2024
Diarai ARA February 15, 2025Maria Rodríguez Soto, Victoria Szpunberg, Xavier Pla i Tarta Relena, premis Ciutat de Barcelona 2024. També han estat guardonats Teresa Helbig, Cristina Masanés, Jordi Colomer...More information -
Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus
El cultural December 16, 2024Sorprendente, fresca, divertida y didáctica. Jordi Colomer (Barcelona 1962) aterrizó en el MACBA recordándonos lo que echábamos de menos desde que representó a España en...More information -
Jordi Colomer: « Urban planners should be the residents themselves”
AOC Media - Océane Ragoucy September 12, 2024Condensed in « Crier sur les toits », an iconic work inviting citizens to occupy rooftop terraces to speak out, Jordi Colomer’s work is always...More information -
The fantastical universe of Jordi Colomer
Le Journal des Arts - Julie Goy August 14, 2024The Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona has gathered more than 150 works by the Catalan artist. Spain. 'No? Future!' is the slogan displayed on...More information -
Jordi Colomer: “L’art contemporani hauria de ser popular”
Anna Zaera - VilaWeb June 13, 2024Jordi Colomer (Barcelona, 1962) ha instal·lat una ciutat provisional a la sala d’exposicions del MACBA. Carrerons, placetes, cadires i bastides d’un barri que sembla celebrar...More information -
L’art alliberador de Jordi Colomer, al Macba
María Palau, El Punt Avui May 24, 2024L’artista Jordi Colomer (Barcelona, 1962) va viure molts anys en un pis del Raval amb vistes a l’edifici del Macba, “un ovni, una fàbrica modernista...More information -
Jordi Colomer en BiernalSur
Casas vacías no hacen ciudad July 29, 2023Inauguración: Sábado 29 de julio 12:30h Elementos recurrentes como la planificación colectiva y la reapropiación del espacio público, la ficción y la parodia, el teatro...More information -
Jordi Colomer's Modena Parade
March 27, 2022Nell'ambito della mostra Jordi Colomer. Strade è stata ideata l'azione partecipativa e performativa Modena Parade/Corteo Modenese. Un corteo concepito esclusivamente per la città di Modena,...More information -
Jordi Colomer: “Las utopías son el soporte perfecto para imaginar”
Bea Espejo, El País April 25, 2017Dentro del pabellón de España de la próxima Bienal de Venecia hay otro pabellón. Así llama Jordi Colomer (Barcelona, 1962) a un cacharro portátil aparcado...More information